NW Supplier Diversity Summit
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
Category: Business Development
WHEN: Tuesday, March 22, 2022
9:00AM - 3:00PM (PT)
WHERE: Greater Tacoma Convention Center 1500 Commerce Street Tacoma, WA 98402
COST: The fee to attend is just $25 per person, thanks to the generous support from The Boeing Company
Boeing is proud to support the inaugural Northwest Supplier Diversity Summit! Boeing continues to seek out and provide maximum opportunities to small and diverse businesses, as they are a vital part of maintaining our competitiveness in the global marketplace.
The Supplier Diversity Summit will showcase the northwest’s robust and diverse supplier network – including small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses – to major aerospace customers.
During this one-day event, attendees will hear directly from Boeing, Tier 1 suppliers, and government contractors about supply chain opportunities for small and diverse businesses in the aerospace industry. Afternoon business to business meetings will create new connections between customers and diverse aerospace businesses.
This event is a new partnership between the Aerospace Futures Alliance, the Northwest Minority Supplier Development Council, and the Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition.
Doors Open for Networking
(5 min)
Welcome & Vision Setting
Emily Wittman
President & CEO – AFA / WSSC
(35 min)
Keynote - Boeing Defense & Commercial Outlook
Eric Cissell
Senior Director - Supply Chain Operations Functional Excellence & Sub-tier Management
Matthew Kosmal
Regional Director of Market Analysis
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
(45 min)
Social Impact Panel
Fernando Martinez (Moderator)
President & CEO – NW Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council
Camille Geiger
Senior Manager, Small / Diverse Business and Strategic Alliances - Boeing
Venus Rekow
Chief Behavioral Strategist
Dicran “D” Arnold
Area Vice President – Business Development Global Enterprise Sales
World Wide Technologies, Inc.
BREAK (15 min)
(45 min)
Government Procurement Panel
Denise Ryser (Moderator)
Director, Market Development – PNDC
Trena Payton
Counselor - Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Joe Smetak
Business Opportunity Specialist – U.S. Small Business Administration
Joe Fletcher
Technology & College Relations
Control Dynamics
11:25 AM
Emily Wittman
BREAK (20 min) – lunch buffet
11:45 AM
(45 min)
Tier 1 Panel
Eric Cissell (moderator)
Director of Supplier Management & Procurement
Elisabeth Shipman
Sr. Supervisor, Strategic Sourcing | Lavatories
Collins Aerospace
Dicran “D” Arnold
Area Vice President – Business Development Global Enterprise Sales
World Wide Technologies, Inc.
Nancy Papineau
Dualos, LLC
(10 min)
Closing Remarks / B2B Send-off
Emily Wittman, President & CEO
12:40 PM –
3:00 PM
B2B Meetings / Networking
(60 min)
Event Ends
COVID Policy: we will follow the facility and county guidelines at the time of the event. Currently masks are required when not actively eating or drinking.